Our Vision

To create a conscious society of hereditary blood disorders, to contribute to empowering the patients, and to improve the services provided to them all over the Sultanate.

Our Mission

To reduce the spread of hereditary blood disorders, to raise the community’s awareness of methods of prevention, to provide information on the latest treatment methods, and to empower and support people with these disorders through building partnerships with the relevant sectors inside and outside the Sultanate.

Our priority programs

  1. 1. To emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and to reduce the prevalence of hereditary disorders.

    2. To emphasize the importance of developing life skills programs.

    3. To develop the care and services provided to patients and their families.

    4. To build a positive, active, and interactive environment.

    5. To promote individual and institutional awareness of family and community health.

    6. To find a list of patients’ rights in health care institutions.

Our goals

1. To create educational communication channels between the injured and their families and with the specialists in the medical and therapeutic fields by organizing lectures and seminars.

2. To establish an educational center to publish materials of scientific and educational content for those in charge of health affairs in the regions along with the issuance of pamphlets and brochures concerned with these diseases.

3. To conduct awareness seminars and lectures for Public and Higher Education students in the Public and private schools, and for colleges and universities alike to provide students with the facts of hereditary blood disorders.

4. To provide consultations and updated information for the patients and their families about diseases and the available treatments, and everything that helps in their psychological and physical support whenever possible.

5. To work with the competent governmental bodies on issuing laws that help in the early detection of disorders related to the association’s work.


6. To prepare awareness programs to instill a culture of prevention from these disorders and the mechanisms that help in avoiding them for the carriers of the affected genes and society in general. This will contribute to reducing the spread of such disorders and will reduce them in the long run.


7. To prepare a database for the infected people with any of the diseases contained in the association’s work. Also for those who carry the disease, in the Sultanate, while ensuring the confidentiality of this information.


8. To work on providing outcomes of scientific research and the latest breakthrough of the science regarding the treatments of these disorders.


9. To contribute towards conducting research that helps in understanding more about the nature of these disorders and how to deal with them and support them within the limits of the association’s financial resources.

10. To participate in local, regional, and international activities, events, and conferences related to the association’s work.

11. To revive the International Days of Diseases coming within the association’s work to consolidate and expand the community’s knowledge of them.